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Unlock the power of product matching with PriceIntelGuru's easy-to-use SaaS model. Our platform helps you find similar, exact and cross-referenced competitor products—quickly and accurately!
PriceIntelGuru's cutting-edge product matching software gives you an edge in the competitive landscape. Our AI powered service provides detailed image comparison, description information, and price comparisons to help identify exact competitor SKUs. Get ahead of your competitors with accurate, real-time insights - a powerful tool for better pricing products!
Our AI-powered service uses product matching software to identify the competitor SKUs that have similar features and functionality as yours but might have slight variations in terms of appearance or pricing. We help you compare images, features, and prices so that your business has the most up-to date insights available!
PriceIntelGuru offers an industry-leading product matching service to help you gain a comprehensive market understanding. With our capability of cross-referencing competitor products, you can identify specialist items with comparable features and functionality - even when they come from varying brands. Take your pricing strategy up a notch by leveraging the insights from our Product Matching service.
Easily update product lists, features and search criteria and access competitor data autonomously for unbeatable insights into the market.
Accurate data matching enables you to stay ahead of the competition and make well-informed decisions for better results. With PriceIntelGuru you can:
Price better with real-time, up-to-date and accurate data.
Track millions of skus across hundreds of websites.
Saves hours of manual effort and time and increase your profitability
© 2025 PriceIntelGuru. All Rights Reserved